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In service to safety, Alliance is a proud sponsor of NBC's Safer Together campaign.

For over 60 years, Alliance has worked diligently to equip workers across the nation with the knowledge necessary to stay safe while on the job so they can return home to their families each night.  

We invite you to view and share this video focused on preventing heat-related illness with your family and friends. Let’s stay Safer Together

Safer Together Logo

In service to safety, Alliance is a proud sponsor of NBC's Safer Together campaign.

For over 60 years, Alliance has worked diligently to equip workers across the nation with the knowledge necessary to stay safe while on the job so they can return home to their families each night.  

We invite you to view and share this video focused on preventing heat-related illness with your family and friends. Let’s stay Safer Together

Safer Together Logo

Did You Know...?

Alliance offers an awareness-level safety course focused on heat illness. This course is part of the Safety Awareness Fundamentals (SAF) training library, which includes over 40 courses on essential safety topics.

About ThinkSafe.ThinkFamily.™

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