Maintained by the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils, Inc. (ARSC), this study guide is designed to help trainees taking the Basic Orientation Plus (BOP) course. This study guide provides written introduction of many of the safety principles that will be presented in the course. This study guide also introduces numerous safety terms used in the BOP course. Becoming familiar with these safety terms will promote better understanding of the course material and the course exam.
The materials in this course have been designed to build specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Considerable time has been committed to the development of these materials in order to ensure their effectiveness.
La Asociación de Consejos de Seguridad Recíprocos, Inc. (ARSC), mantiene esta Guía de estudio para ayudarlo a prepararse para el programa Basic Orientation Plus (BOP).
Alliance Safety Council is one of the founding members of ARSC. Through the ARSC network, members are able to train employees in their home city before sending them to work in other parts of the country. This model considerably reduces training, per diem and travel costs, eliminating redundant instruction and saving trainees time away from the job and reducing employers’ costs.